In The Garden

Growing Six Inches In Five Minutes

tin can stilts

I remember reading in a book when I was little about a girl who made herself stilts out of tin cans and string. I thought that was so cool but for whatever reason, never did it for myself. But that image has always stuck with me. Now as a mother, I’m again looking for fun […]

Swing Me Higher!

expression swing

It's always a sweet thing for parents the first time they put their baby in a swing and experience their joy in new found freedom. But unless you have someone recording your babies face from the front, you miss out a little as you push from behind. The Expression Swing solves that age old problem by […]

Duct Tape Mini Golf

mini golf 8

Growing up, my family played mini golf quite often. It’s one of my sister’s favorite things to do so every summer she’d find any excuse and opportunity to have us all play a round. Some times though, there just aren’t enough moments together in the day to make a whole family outing to play an […]

Green Eggs, No Ham – Great Indoor Gardening for Kids

Invite spring into your home with some easy indoor gardening! Making cress eggs is not just a great Easter decoration, it's also the perfect opportunity to show your kids how plants grow and what they need - and they are growing their own food in the process. My niece and I started our little indoor […]

Don’t Drop the Egg!

egg spoon game 2

In the 1900 London marathon, there was a runner who raced while holding an uncooked egg on a dessert spoon. He finished in 3 hours and 47 minutes. As you can see, the egg on a spoon race has a mighty history. So with the spring weather and all the eggs your kids will be collecting from the Easter […]

Get them moving – Dogs as Kids’ Personal Trainers

In times of tablets, computers, cell phones and TV with all their apps and shows, it can be hard to get your kids outside, let alone doing sports. Some kids naturally want to run and jump all over the place, others might need a little encouragement. When the playground is too far away or it […]

Great Scavenger Hunt for St. Patrick’s Day

If you want to do something special with your kids this St. Patrick's Day, why not try a scavenger hunt? Get your kids dressed as green as they can while you hide gold coins (the yummy ones from chocolate) all over your flat or garden. Then everybody gets one of our St. Patrick's Day scavenger […]

Little Gardeners – Say Hello to Spring!

Don't wait for Spring to take care of your garden. Your children will be happy to help greet Spring with some early bloomers. Introducing your children to the wonders of nature is a wonderful way to stimulate their curiosity about the world. Besides, growing a plant will give your toddler or preschooler a huge sense of […]

The Blooming Heart Tree Craft

valentine heart tree craft for valentine

With Valentine's Day approaching I was looking for a way for our family to celebrate the holiday by remembering what's most important to us, the people we love. Here is our tree in a vase that is growing hearts and pictures of our family in place of flowers. We first gathered sticks from the yard. […]

DIY Bird Feeder – Feedings Birds Is A Fun Activity.

pine cone bird feeder 7

Spring is right around the corner! Kind of... Our family has been looking for any signs of spring outside where the trees are bare and the ground icy. We haven't yet seen any flowers blooming or bunnies hopping around. So, taking a queue from Mary Poppins, we decided to leave some food for our feathered friends who […]

Acorns Craft – Invite Some Wildlife Into Your Home !

Acorn squirrel

No, I don't mean real wildlife, but tiny bears, and foxes, and hedgehogs made from nuts. Take your kids outside and have a walk through rustling leaves, enjoying the fresh air in a park or forest nearby. Keep an eye out for chestnuts, colourful leaves, acorns and everything else Fall has to offer. Collect those […]