making resolutions

As the new year gets closer, people often start thinking about the resolutions they want the make. Everyone wants to use this opportunity to make a fresh start. But everyone knows that resolutions are often broken and soon after they're made.

How about teaching your kids how to make goals for the new year in a way that will last and help them throughout their lives? This could be the perfect time to help them learn responsibility and improvement for themselves!

One method that really breaks it down is called the S.M.A.R.T. system. Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound.


A few other things to keep in mind:

  • Let your kids choose their own goals. You can make suggestions if they are stuck or don't seem to get the idea but ultimately, their motivation will come from setting the goal them self.
  • Keep it simple and age specific. For preschoolers something like, 'I will wash my hands after using the bathroom and before meals.' For school kids, 'I will do my chores every day.' For older kids, 'I will help out in the community.'
  • Make a check off chart so they can evaluate their progress throughout the year and make changes if necessary.
  • Make it fun and rewarding when they achieve their goal!
  • Write it down or make a goal poster if pictures are more inspiring.

Here's a printable we made to help your kids reflect on the past year and see what they want to accomplish in the next.

last year this year