Cars is an three-part computer animated comedy movie for kids that was released by Walt Disney Pictures and is recommended for kids over 5-6 years. The Cars films are definitely worth-seeing due to their main themes, such as the importance of friendship, the fact that winning is not everything and lessons about the significance of acceptance in a community.
In this kids movie all characters are cars that act and behave like humans. The really funny comedy film is about the car Lightning McQueen that is going to take part in the biggest race of his life. But then Lightning McQueen is disconnected from his truck hauler Mack and ends up in Radiator Springs, a small town in Carburetor County on Route 66. Unfortunately McQueen damages the road and has to repair it while he is watched by the Sheriff. Though he would do anything to not do this exhausting work, McQueen has to learn to be respectful with the inhabitants of Radiator Springs in order to get back on the track. As Lightning McQueen fixes the road, he meets a lot of cars crossing the road. The rusty tow truck, a pretty Porsche, a Ferrari-loving Fiat and many more nice and friendly cars.
Will McQueen be able to finish the road in time to join the longed for final race? We do not want to betray too much – so take your kids, sit back, relax and enjoy this funny kids movie together.
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