One of the fun things to looking forward to snow is anticipating your first snowman. But why stick with the traditional old Frosty with his corn-cob pipe when there are so many unique inspirations out there?
Why not shake up the neighborhood a little bit with these unexpected snowmen that look like they're on a mission?
Bring some of your favorite characters to life in your own front yard!
Have a contest to see who can stand on their head the longest. I bet I can guess the winner!
Put your snowmen in an unusual spot and wait to see if anyone notices!
Have your snowman take part in everyday activities like it's no big deal.
Blizzard coming your way? This is the perfect opportunity to think big, really big!
Use the opportunity to sculpt your favorite animal friend.
Use your snow skills to put a smile on people's faces.
And snow shouldn't be an excuse to keep you from your exercise routine. Encourage people to be active with these snow people on the go!
Or you could always make your own snow baby out of more precious materials!