Spring is right around the corner! Kind of... Our family has been looking for any signs of spring outside where the trees are bare and the ground icy. We haven't yet seen any flowers blooming or bunnies hopping around. So, taking a queue from Mary Poppins, we decided to leave some food for our feathered friends who are making it through the cold winter and maybe entice them to bring the spring a little faster.

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There are so many ways to make a bird feeder but the one we choose is both economical and eco-friendly. Have your kids go out in search of the perfect pinecone. We found a few on the ground and so were inspired! With a ribbon, peanut butter and bird seed we were set.

pinecone bird feeder

It's best to tie the ribbon on before applying peanut butter as this can be extremely messy and almost impossible after the fact. Take my word for it. 🙂

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Have your kids put the peanut butter on in large globs to make spreading easier.

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Then let them roll your pinecone in a dish of birdseed.

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Hang your bird feeder on a tree branch or outside your window so you can watch the birds enjoying your special treat. And as they hold still for a little while, see if your kids know all the names of the birds nibbling on the crunchy snack.

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This is a perfect interactive lesson for your kids to learn about the environment and taking care of the earth while still being entertaining.