This DIY guide is for little artists who love to paint and draw 🙂 In the following we have listed everything your kids need for the fun and easy making of the shining DIY chalk. We will explain it step by step…

Materials For The DIY Chalk

  • 2 tbs flour
  • 120 ml of water
  • luminescent paint or powder
  • small whisk
  • liquid soap
  • food coloring
  • paint brush
  • flashlight

The Making Of The DIY Chalk

  1. Mix the flour, water and the luminescent paint well, then add a few drops of liquid soap to the mixture.
  2. For colored chalk, add food coloring. 
  3. Now you can apply the liquid paint with a paint brush on the asphalt or on a dark paper.  
  4. The luminescent color must be well illuminated so that it shines in the dark – really fascinatig for kids! 🙂