If you have kids, it sometimes feels as if you could mop and vacuum and scrub all day long and your house is not getting any cleaner. You start tidying up in one corner and the kids are happy to wreck the other corner in the meantime.

Why not include them in the housework? After all, kids should start learning about values and helping others as early as possible.

baby-mop2As soon as they can crawl, they can begin to make themselves uselful. This seems like the perfect onsie to get them started!


If your kids have outgrown their rompers, there is still no escaping the housework. They can help with these unique cleaning slippers.

cleaning slippers

And you don't have to feel like a bad parent for having your little ones mop your floors. Just think of it as a way for them to get a little exercise while preparing for a lifetime of tidiness ... and warn your guests beforehand with this funny doormat.
